Holistic Pelvic Care For Women

Rooted Women’s Health

I help you get to the ROOT of your pelvic floor dysfunction to heal for good and live a body confident, vibrant life.

All without leaving your home.

As an occupational therapist specializing in pelvic floor therapy and certified Holistic Pelvic Care™ Practitioner, I provide holistic, professional evidence-based care. I have specialized training in pelvic pain conditions and trauma-informed care.

1:1 virtual sessions available only.

My training goes beyond treating physical issues by acknowledging the energetic , environmental and emotional roots, thus, treating the WHOLE person.

What I Treat



"I Left our session feeling so incredibly grounded. The unexpected and involuntary strong emotional release that occurred, in addition to the pain relief and relaxation was unlike anything I've experienced... you're gonna change women's lives."


"This message is incredibly long overdue as I never expressed my gratitude (my deepest, utmost gratitude). I think of the girl I was in March/April when I first came in to see you - lost, incredibly discouraged and small. I had just moved down to a new city, was severely overwhelmed with work, and to top it off, was in excruciating and persistent pain. Not only did you help resolve my physical ailments, but you instilled in me the confidence and strength to take control of my life. I now try to practice this in all aspects, including and especially, work. I simply can't express how blessed I feel to have met you. Thank you."

Andi- Client

"Candice, I cannot express to you enough how grateful I am for having met someone that actually seemed to care and show empathy and interest in something that I had hit numerous dead ends with and was so scary for me. After searching for answers and help for chronic rectal spasms during my period I was so happy to have found you when I did when I was ready to give up and have a hysterectomy. Thank you for being there for me and helping me learn so much about my body and my cycle.... My favorite thing about you is how approachble you are and how genuine you are in listening and helping. Anyways, all of that to say, IM PREGNANT!!! My whole life is about to change again and I couldn't have done it without you!! Thank you so much!"

Pelvic care is self- care.


“If we remember spirit in the womb, we also remember to honor the sacred within ourselves. This is where the true medicine lies. Working in the root, we can restore this sacred center.” -Tami Kent.