Preventative Pelvic Care

Too often women’s pelvic region are neglected. Bringing attention only when something is wrong. What if you received pelvic care as a form of self-care, self-love? What if you sought out a session to understand the language of your body? To empower your health, connect with your ROOT and prevent dysfunction down the line?

What if preventative pelvic care was a part of every women’s health care routine?


I provide

Full pelvic floor assessment

Pelvic floor education, treatment and home program based on findings

Education on vulva anatomy for monthly checks to detect possible abnormal tissue changes

Education on optimal vulva & vaginal hygiene

Answer to any of your pelvic health questions


“If we remember spirit in the womb, we also remember to honor the sacred within ourselves. This is where the true medicine lies. Working in the root, we can restore this sacred center.” -Tami Kent.