Urinary Issues

The bladder can feel like a bully sometimes. Leaking when you cough, laugh or move. Strong urge at the worst times. Feeling like you always have to go. These urinary issues are common but they are not normal and you definitely do not have to keep living with them.

A full evaluation is necessary to find the root cause of your bladder issues.

What I Treat

Stress urinary incontinence

Urge urinary incontience

Mixed Incontinence (both stress & urge)

Urinary urgency and frequency

Incomplete bladder emptying

Overactive bladder syndrome

Interstitial Cystitis

Bladder prolapse


“If we remember spirit in the womb, we also remember to honor the sacred within ourselves. This is where the true medicine lies. Working in the root, we can restore this sacred center.” -Tami Kent.